Friday, June 11, 2010

What Makes A Good Reader

What makes a good reader? What definable qualities does such a person possess? In the text provided we see Vladimir Nabokov’s view on the subject.

In it he surmised that a good reader must approach a book with a fusion of two mind sets, one of an artist, the other of a scientist. He specifically stressed the passion of an artist, and patience of a scientist. As far as I can tell his description of a good reader is a person that relishes in a book, and while reading views the work as a whole. They imagine the surroundings, scrutinize the characters manners, and fully immerse themselves in the work. Nabokov said that this way of scrutinizing the author’s world curbed the reader’s enthusiasm.

I agree with Nabokov’s view of a good reader for the most part. I really do think for a book to be fully enjoyed and understood you need to scrutinize what it is the author has laid out for you. My only problem with his view is how he looked down on the reader identifying with a character in a book.

I think I am a good reader. At least I hope I am. With most books I approach them as Nabokov describes. Very rarely am I so disconnected with a book that I glen no enjoyment from it what-so-ever and quit reading it. I reread books very frequently. There is a particular series of books I have read 8 times. While this is the exception and not the rule, most books I own I have read at least twice.

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